Spectrum Networks Delivers Comprehensive AI Academy Journey for FAB Bank

Dubai, 02-JUL-2024 – Spectrum Networks recently concluded a transformative AI Academy program for FAB Bank, which included intensive training sessions, a dynamic hackathon, and a grand graduation ceremony to honor the participants and winners.
Training Phase
The program began with extensive training sessions, both in-person and virtual, where FAB Bank employees engaged in a comprehensive AI curriculum. These
sessions were designed to equip participants with essential AI skills and knowledge, fostering a strong foundation for their future endeavors. Photos and videos captured the interactive learning experiences and the dedication of the participants.
Hackathon Phase
Following the training, the hackathon phase challenged participants to apply their newly acquired skills to real-world AI problems. Teams brainstormed
innovative solutions, received mentorship, and presented their ideas in a competitive environment. The hackathon was marked by creativity, teamwork, and intense problem-solving. Video and photo highlights showcased the energy and enthusiasm of the participants as they worked towards developing impactful AI solutions.
Graduation Ceremony
The journey culminated in a celebratory graduation ceremony at FAB’s Dubai Office. The event recognized the remarkable achievements of the participants,
with notable speeches from FAB Bank's leadership, including Group COO (FAB) – Mr. Suhail Bin Tarraf and CDAO (FAB) – Mr. Arun Mehta of FAB Bank.
Mr.Sanjeev, CEO of Spectrum Networks, also addressed the audience, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and continuous learning.
Participants received certificates of participation, while the winners were awarded medals and special certificates for their exceptional work during the
hackathon. The ceremony also featured interactions between the leadership teams of FAB Bank, Microsoft, and Spectrum Networks, highlighting the
collaborative effort that made the AI Academy a success.
Candid moments from the event revealed the enthusiasm and camaraderie among attendees, illustrating the positive impact of the AI Academy on fostering innovation and teamwork. The event concluded with a renewed commitment from all parties to continue supporting and nurturing tech talent within the banking industry.
For more details and highlights from the event, stay tuned to our social media channels and upcoming newsletter editions.

For more details on our Microsoft AI Skilling Program, reach out to us at info@specnt.com

Graduation ceremony

Hackathon Phase

Training Phase







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