- Course overview
- Course details
- Prerequisites
Course overview
This course provides a comprehensive overview of DevOps practices, models and techniques, along with coverage of DevOps benefits, challenges and business and technology drivers. Also explained is how DevOps compares to traditional solution development and release approaches and how the application of DevOps can be monitored and measured for concrete business value.
Course details
The following primary topics are covered:
The following primary topics are covered:
– Business Drivers of DevOps
– IT Roles in DevOps Projects
– Goals and Benefits of DevOps Adoption
– Interoperability and Transparent Collaboration
– Rapid Delivery, Responsive Scalability and Increased Reliability
– Impacts and Challenges of DevOps Adoption
– Automation, Measurement and Unified Metrics
– DevOps Platform and Toolchain
– The 19 Common DevOps Tools, Repositories and Systems
– DevOps Lifecycle and Stages
– Delivery Pipeline, Feedback Loop and Dark Launching
– Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD)
– Automated Builds and Automated Testing
– Continuous Deployment and Automated Release Management
– Dependency Management, Infrastructure Resource Staging and Compliance Verification
– Introduction to IaC, PaC and CaC
There are no prerequisites as this is a foundational level course. Trainees must have some experience in the field of DevOps, that's all.
Course : Fundamental DevOps
request for : Fundamental DevOps