- Course overview
- Course details
Course overview
About this course
Critical Thinking has been a subject of discussion since the times of Plato and Socrates. It is the ability to think clearly and rationally. In today’s society, many people experience information overloads. The ability to distinguish between what to believe and what to ignore is called critical thinking.
At course completion
You will how to-
- Discuss how critical thinking can positively impact the customer experience
- Identify personal Critical Thinking style and work on areas of improvement
- Develop active listening and questioning skills
- Prepare and present assertive arguments/ problem statements
- Explore assumptions and biases and their impact on thinking
Course details
- What is Critical Thinking?
Setting the context of the workshop
- How good are your Critical Thinking Skills?
Understanding where the delegates stand in their personal abilities
- Understanding assumptions and Biases
Service activities that are based on flawed perceptions often result in a customer experience that is out of alignment with an organization’s service goals.
- Critical Thinking Process
Critical thinking requires discipline and patience.
- Benefits of Critical Thinking
Problem solving and asking good questions are two of the benefits that stem out of critical thinking ability.
- Active Listening and Questioning Skills
The ability to listen and question critically enables better understanding of situations for customer service solutions.
- Working with Options
Using Problem Solving techniques like SCAMPER and Reverse Brainstorming to address situations.
- Working with a Purpose
Addressing issues that are related to customer service situations on a regular basis.
- The way Forward
Creating a plan to work on the skills learnt.
Training Methodology:
This highly interactive and participative training course uses practical examples and targeted, highly interactive activities to ensure learning is optimally imparted during the training course. In addition, there will be structured, facilitated discussions to help reinforce the concepts and techniques used. This experiential workshop enables the trainees a hands-on experience of the concepts and skills to be imparted.
Course : Critical Thinking
request for : Critical Thinking