- Course overview
- Course details
- Prerequisites
Course overview
About this course
The Change Management training course will give you a detailed overview of the introduction, importance, impact, transitions, tailoring, and initialization of a change in an organization. This course will give you a thorough understanding of how to handle change in an organization effectively.
Audience profile
- Business Owners
- Executives
- Managers
At course completion
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Introduction and importance of change for an organization
- Organizational Maturity Model
- Using interactive facilitation and individual reflection and activity
- Tailored change manual to use in your organization
- Using real-life organizational change experiences
- Use a case study and role plays to practice the concepts learned
- Transition and embed a change initiative
Course details
Modules -
- Introduction to Change Management
- Why Change Management is important
- Organizational Maturity Model: Is my Organization ready for embracing change
- Organizational Maturity Model: Is my Team ready for embracing change
- Change in organizations - using interactive facilitation and individual reflection and activity
- Change how it impacts me - Tailored change manual to use in your organization
- Initiating change - using real life organizational change experiences
- Launch and mobilize the change - use a case study and role plays to practice the concepts learnt
- Transition and embed a change initiative
Course : Change Management
request for : Change Management