- Course overview
- Course details
- Prerequisites
Course overview
About this course
This on-demand course equips students to understand and adopt Istio-based service-mesh with Anthos for centralized observability, traffic management, and service-level security.
This is the second course of the Architecting Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure with Anthos series.
At course completion
You will be able to:
- Configure centralized logging, monitoring, tracing, and service visualizations wherever the Anthos GKE clusters are hosted.
- Use service mesh security features for service-service authentication, user authentication, and policy-based service authorization.
- Understand and configure fine-grained traffic management.
Course details
Module 1: Welcome to Hybrid Cloud Service Mesh with Anthos
- Course introduction
Module 2: Observing Services using Service Mesh Adapters
- Telemetry and Observability in the Service Mesh
- Service Mesh Telemetry Backends and Stackdriver
- On-Prem Service Mesh Telemetry Backends
- Lab Intro: Telemetry and Observability with Istio
- Lab: Observing Anthos Services
Module 3: Managing Traffic Routing with Service Mesh
- Traffic Management with Istio and Envoy
- Introducing the Istio Abstract Model for Traffic Management
- The Istio Abstract Model for Traffic Management: Gateway and VirtualService
- The Istio Abstract Model for Traffic Management: DestinationRule
- Using Service Mesh for Features: Fault Injection and Request Timeout
- Lab Intro: Managing Traffic Routing with Istio and Envoy
- Lab: Managing Traffic Flow with Anthos Service Mesh
Module 3: Managing Policies and Security with Service Mesh
- Intro to Security in the Service Mesh
- Service to Service Security with Mutual TLS in the Service Mesh
- Incremental mTLS in the Service Mesh
- Lab Intro: Managing Policies and Security with Service Mesh
- Lab: Securing Traffic with Anthos Service Mesh
Completion of the Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine path is a prerequisite for this course.
Course : Hybrid Cloud Service Mesh with Anthos
request for : Hybrid Cloud Service Mesh with Anthos